
Construction Management via BIM

CQM Community of Practice for Construction 4.0

Welcome To CMBIM

Construction Management via BIM CoP

CMBIM.US is a Community of Practice for the AEC Digital Transformation to Construction 4.0  Our mission is to promote the use of the best management practices and innovative technologies to build the highest quality facilities using the latest smart digital transformation as part of the QualityPMO Methodology.

Learn more about QPMO:


What is CQM 4. 0 Digital Tranformation?

Digital transformation in the construction industry refers to the integration and adoption of advanced digital technologies and processes to revolutionize and optimize various aspects of the construction lifecycle. It involves leveraging innovations such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), drones, robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), and cloud computing to enhance productivity, efficiency, collaboration, and decision-making within the construction ecosystem.

Digital transformation enables real-time data collection, analysis, and sharing, facilitating streamlined communication and coordination among project stakeholders, including architects, engineers, contractors, and clients. By embracing digital tools and strategies, the construction industry can achieve improved project planning, cost control, risk management, quality assurance, and sustainability, ultimately leading to faster project completion, reduced errors, and enhanced overall construction outcomes.


The Ten Phases of CMBIM Digital Tranformation

1. Assess Current Technology Landscape
2. Set Clear Digital Transformation Goals
3. Establish a Digital Transformation Team
4. Develop a Robust Data Strategy
5. Embrace Building Information Modeling (BIM)
6. Implement IoT and Sensor Technologies
7. Adopt Cloud Computing and Collaboration Tools
8. Integrate Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR)
9. Automate Construction Processes with Robotics
10. Continuously Monitor and Evaluate Digital Transformation Progress

Our Mission

Our founders consist of highly educated and experienced management, engineering, and BIM technology expertise.  Collectively we have over 80 years of experience working in the AEC Industry and provide assistance in the following areas:

  • architecture-icon

    Design & Engineering

    Concept Design and Schematic Design to bring your idea to life.  Collect requirements and design intents from Owner and Key Stakeholders to develop construction documents.

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    Construction Management

    Quality Integration to assure requirements are met coupled with Innovative Technologies to improve productivity and efficiency

  • landscape-icon

    Digital Twins & IoT

    Building Information to create the future Metaverse of Smart Cities are based on BIM models with Internet of Things integration

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    Metaverse & AI

    The future of Cognitive Smart Cities is where Digital Twin BIM Models are used for protective decision-making augmented with Artificial Intelligence for the real build of modern cities.

  • furniture-icon

    BIM Management

    Our CM-BIM certified managers for building information modeling assist in Integrated Project Delivery and other project deliveries to lead a successful project team.

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    Quality AI

    Use of BIM for Quality Inspections and Remote Quality Control using 3D Scanning and BIM design comparison by our CQM Certified Quality Inspectors

AI for CQA

As organizations collect more and more data, it becomes increasingly difficult for humans to ensure its quality. Distractions and emotions limit our ability to monitor and control large data sets continuously. But what if there was a way to establish a "Single source of truth" for all your data?

With AI-powered data quality control, you can ensure better integration and analysis of your data. The new Construction Quality Intelligence project by CQM.us called CQi is the next step in integrating Ai Technology with Quality Assurance for CQM4.0



Applying the EMARI System Thinking Approach to ChatGPT for Artificial Intelligence assistance in solving problems pertaining to Facilities.

The database will be populated with the best practices from many different available practices known as a "Tool Kit" similar to what a QPMO Manager would utilize for problem-solving a situation.

At this time, Prompt Engineering is underway, and further Management refinement is processing to provide the most natural dialogue expected from a consultant with facility management expertise.

The problem sounds simple enough for anyone with access to ChatGPT to use AI for consultation advice, however knowing the tools and how to ask for them is half the battle!

Learn more by visiting http://Facilities.Solutions/Chatq

Human-Centric System Thinking

AI has undoubtedly revolutionized the way in which we process information, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. AI can connect the dots based on parameters and prompts given by humans, but it lacks the ability to question and explore possibilities. This is where human nature comes in - we have the ability to question authority and test different scenarios to find the best solution.

To truly optimize AI, we need to focus on integrating human-centered design thinking. The Wellness Quality Management Approach is an excellent tool to help us engineer, manage, and reinvent integration for quality outcomes. This approach encourages us to think critically and creatively to establish a balanced and optimum solution for Improvement in Human & Organizational Performance.

Wellness Quality Management

As AI continues to advance, we are discovering new and innovative ways to enhance our project control decision-making processes. The emergence of AI and Machine Learning has allowed us to explore how humans learn from trial and error by analyzing vast amounts of data.

However, it's important to address concerns about the responsible use of AI. To ensure that AI decision-making remains within ethical and quality boundaries, mechanisms are being developed to apply codes of conduct and ethical considerations. To improve the People Domain interaction with Business and Project Processes, the Wellness Quality Management methodology has been developed to improve human and AI interactions for Quality Integration.

Recent Articles

CMBIM is based on QualityPMO 4 CQM Methodology developed by Dr. Emari, PMP to promote use of Building Information Management for Construction 4.0

Dr Emari PMP

Harri Emari, PMP, DBA

A Construction Project Management Professional (CPMP) with Doctorate in Business Administration for Strategic Management (CMBA) promoting Construction Quality Management (CQM) in the Construction Industry using the Quality Project Management Office Methodology (QPMO) for Digital Transformation as a Certified Data Analyst and Certified BIM Manager (CMBIM) for Construction 4.0


BIM in CQM is essential for Construction Quality

Quality BIM in CQM has the following characteristics: It is Digital that could be used and reused by other entities,  It is in Searchable format that is Accessible with ease, and It is current and Accurate


BIM in CQM Phases

The use of BIM in Construction is not a new concept, however, the methodology to use BIM in CQM is based on the latest best practices. CQM recommends the start of a federated BIM Model in the earliest phase possible through a QPMO.

Art Theusch

Collaborative Co.

Art is the owner of Collaborative Company and he provides BIM Services and Consulting to General Contractors and Subcontractors, he joined our BIM 4 CQM event and demonstrated some of his projects.

Fopefoluwa Bademosi

Wentworth University

Fope has a Ph.D. in Project Management and is a Full-time Faculty at Wentworth University teaching Project Controls using P6 and Navisworks as BIM 4D. She joins our PMIGLC CQM Discussion Panel from Boston

CQM Tech-related Events

Visit the Construction Quality Management Community of Practice YouTube Channel to watch previous events related to innovative technologies.


Find a BIM Expert on BIM Exchange

Get free advice and consultation to advance in your career or improve your project using our methodology and BIM technology. 


Alexis Hammerstone

BIM Specialist

Research and Development in the area of BIM is not only limited to the tools and technologies, it is as useful as the professionals who use it!


Cameron Mason

Construction Developer

Education and Experience are two wings needed to fly a Construction Development Project to success, you can't have one without the other!








$5 Million